Social Media Marketing

Social media advertising management has become integral to social strategies for businesses across several industries.

As algorithms evolve, companies can diversify their strategies to reach the right audiences at just the right time using social advertising.

We create the social profiles that are right for your business, add content and interact with the community at the times that are most valuable for gaining new customers and enticing existing customers to return.

We also provide blogs, widgets, and articles that can be used to promote your brand and image through social media networks.

Paramwebinfo also monitors and maintains your social network profiles, constantly updating strategies and ensuring that your online reputation and image remain at a high level, which leads to more sales and increases revenue.

Social Media has emerged as an interactive direct communication channel, where you can not only precisely target potential customers, but build a two way communication

Every social advertising platform has a unique way of reaching users, and each one has distinct advantages.

As a result, companies in almost any domain can profit from social advertising and gain the ability to engage, inform, and convert their particular audience.

Our Social Media Management (SMM) service is focused towards increasing user engagement. Study of your target customers’ behavior on social media coupled with right content strategy ensures that your brand gets the desired response.

Indian Instagram Followers Packages

Instagram Indian mix: Per day max 5000

Quantity Price (In Rs) Duration
1000 500 2-5 hours
10,000 4,500 2-3 days
100,000 40,000 10-15 days

Instagram Indian Mix Followers : Per day max 5000

Quantity Price (In Rs) Duration
1000 500 2-5 hours
10,000 4,500 2-3 days
100,000 40,000 10-15 days

Instagram Indian Followers (90%) : Per day max 10,000

Quantity Price (In Rs) Duration
1000 700 1-2 hours
10,000 6,200 2 days
100,000 60,000 Up to 10 days

Instagram Comments (Random or Male/Female)

Quantity Price (In Rs) Duration
1000 1,000 1 day
10,000 9,000 1-8 days
100,000 80,000 Approx. 1 month

Instagram Likes

Quantity Price (In Rs) Duration
1000 100 2 days
10,000 900 8-10 days
100,000 8,000 Approx. 1 month
SocialMedia Marketing Raipur
SocialMedia Marketing Raipur
SocialMedia Marketing Raipur

Frequently Asked Questions

if you have any query regarding our services then read FAQ first

  • What is Social Media Marketing?

    Social media marketing is the use of social media platforms to promote a business's products or services,build brand awareness,and engage with customers and potential customers.It involves creating and sharing content on social media platforms,running paid advertising campaigns, and analyzing performance metrics to optimize results.

  • Starting Social Media Marketing few basic steps are:
    1. Choose the right social media platforms.
    2. Set up your social media profiles.
    3. Develop a content strategy.
    4. Create and share content(text,images,videos).
    5. Engage with your audience.
    6. Monitor your performance.
    7. Post many times per day.
    8. Follow the rules and be patient.

  • The social media platforms you choose will depend on your target audience and business goals. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and TikTok are some of the most popular social media platforms for businesses. It's important to research where your target audience spends their time and which platforms align with your brand image and marketing objectives.

  • Social media provides businesses with a cost-effective and engaging way to reach and engage with their target audience.

  • The best social media platform for marketing depends on your business goals and target auidence.Heres most popular social media platforms:
    1) Facebook.
    2) Instagram.
    3) Twitter.
    4) Linkedln.

  • Here are a few more benefits:
    1. Brand building
    2. Growth
    3. Communication
    4. Insights
    5. Advertising
    6. Reporting


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